HAPPY NEW YEAR! The online Sheet Music Library (PDF) will soon celebrate its 1st anniversary. Since the moment of our start, in March 2019, we have, however, made quite a lot of improvements:
- during the last year, we added 359 new scores of many different musical styles,
- we changed our website theme to be more accessible for everybody, - we scanned and included hundreds of covers and contents lists, - we opened accounts on Twitter (follow here), Youtube and Boggler.com to spread even wider more Music and the love for it,
- and just this week we finalized to turn our website into a multilingual site, with the addition of nine international languages to our front page menu (Español, Français, Italiano, Português, Deutsch, Català, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Polish).
The Sheet Music Library (PDF) states: To spread Free sheet music in PDF format for educational purposes. Culture have never been so widely shared and must br even more. Love for Music is our motivation. Many thanks for your support to this project!

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