
Nat King Cole "Smile" (with sheet music)

Chet Baker My Funny Valentine - Chet Baker in Tokyo LIVE!

Wynton Kelly from the album “Kelly Blue” with sheet music

Mozart 12 Variations Ah, vous dirai je, maman KV 265 with sheet music

Modern Jazz Quartet LIVE!

Viva la vida - Coldplay (with sheet music)

Frederic Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 no. 1 performed by Arthur Rubinstein with sheet music

Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse - Body and Soul

Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga - The Lady is a Tramp

Bill Evans - Danny Boy, by Frederic Weatherly (Bill Evans Jazz version) with sheet music

Iron Butterfly "In a Gadda Da Vida" (1971) with sheet music download